Speak At Your Event

Professional Speaking Engagements

With over 15 years of public speaking experience Jami is an engaging and fun speaker to have at events.

Jami specializes in two main areas of speaking. The first is motivational stories and inspirational presentations where she is often brought in to share what got her into travel writing and how it has transformed her life.

As a Digital Media Consultant, Jami regularly works with BIA’s, associations, and special interest groups to present on Social Media, SEO, and upcoming trends in digital media.

Educational Topics

From beginner to professional blogger, how to take your blog to the next level

Are you interested in starting a blog but wondering where to begin? In this topic Jami teaches writers how to treat their blog as a business, what other companies are looking for in partnerships, and how to set themselves up for success. This includes:

Defining your niche

Creating your brand

Building a following (Social media, SEO, newsletters)

Working with brands

Metrics and analytics

Working with influencers 101

Are you trying to determine if working with an influencer can help you grow your business? Are you wondering what pitches to consider and which ones aren’t worth your time? Looking to learn the most effective ways to maximize your ROI when working with an influencer? In this presentation Jami covers:

The top 5 things to look for when collaborating with influencers

How to spot the BS in pitches

Key analytics you need to get and understand

Social media collaboration

Realistic budgets and expectations for both parties

Inspirational Topics

How the most embarrassing moment of my life became the catalyst for change.

In this inspirational talk, Jami gets very personal about a truly embarrassing moment that once survived, she used as a catalyst for change. She breaks down what wasn’t working in her life and how people can take the lessons she’s learned to lead a more fulfilling, fun, and adventure-filled life.

Embracing your inner fireball

With all the pressure of today’s society, people often find themselves a slave to everything they have to do with very little time to do what they want to do. In this talk Jami shares concepts about how to flip the priority triangle on its head and start living a life that inspires you. It’s not going to be an easy conversion, but most things that are worthwhile, don’t come easy.

Our Speaking Engagements in the Past Include:


Have Less. Do More. Be More.

We are always looking for new places to explore and great companies to work with. Check out our media kit and contact us should you like to connect!