
Discover the People, Places, Food and History of Mexico.

Mexico is a land of contrasts, offering visitors a wide range of experiences to enjoy. The country offers a unique blend of culture, history, and natural beauty. From the stunning beaches of the Riviera Maya to the imposing pyramids of Teotihuacan, there is something to suit every taste. Mexico is also an affordable destination, making it a great choice for families. With so much to see and kid-friendly adventures and accommodations, it's no wonder that Mexico is one of the most popular tourist destinations in the world.

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Explore Mexico

Imagine trading in your alarm clock for natural light, when the warm sun seeps through your window and waves crashing on the shores slowly pull you out of your slumber. Your morning coffee is served with a side of salty air, as you start your day walking along the beach, sand in between your toes. You start to plan out your family’s day, only limited by time and imagination. There’s something so magical about Australia. Start planning your bucket list trip now.

Interesting Facts

  • Australia is 32 times bigger than the UK!
  • There were 34 million kangaroos that lived in Australia in 2011.
  • There are more kangaroos in Australia than humans.
  • The world's deadliest spiders live in Australia.
  • Australia has invented many things, like the ultrasound, the tank, football, the refrigerator, the pre-paid postage, the BlackBox on airplanes, lawn mowers with engines, smoke alarms, aspirin, the pacemaker, and penicillin.
  • Australia actually gets more snow than Switzerland.

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