
Somewhere between the shorelines of The Great Lakes, the majestic power of Niagara Falls and the pull of vibrant city scenes.

Touch down on Ontario soil and head off on a truly true north adventure. This central Canadian province is brimming with natural wonders, urban sophistication and rural simplicity, but it is the deep connection between water and land that makes this place unmistakably Ontario. Whether at Niagara Falls or one of the other more than 400 waterfalls that dot the map of Ontario, find yourself where the earth disappears and the water—once carried safely in the embrace of its banks—breaks free and plummets to the waiting rivers and pools below.

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Explore Ontario

Relax on the shorelines of the infamous Great Lakes before taking to the water by canoe, kayak or paddleboard. Unleash your inner child—and impress your kids—by cannonballing off the dock. Or feel your adrenaline surge as you battle the rapids on the Ottawa River. 

Explore ancient caves and rocky escarpments where every crevice, edge and rugged pillar tells a story of the elements and time long past. Hike to magical lookouts and find yourself rejuvenated amidst the natural world. 

In winter, a thick blanket of snow brings a freshness to the landscape and a changeover of activities. Embrace the fresh powder and frozen lakes by hitting the hills for your favourite winter activity. Or maybe try something new—snowkiting or a dogsled adventure perhaps.

Somewhere between the shorelines of The Great Lakes, the majestic power of Niagara Falls and the pull of vibrant city scenes, you will fall in love with Ontario. No matter what your reasons are for visiting—once you’ve experienced it—you will have many more reasons to return.

Places to discover

With an area of over 1 million km2 containing 15 regions to explore, you will run out of time long before you run out of places to visit in Ontario. While a Blue Jay’s game is a must-see when your feet hit the ground in Toronto, this massive Canadian province is overflowing with adventures at every turn.
Whether you want to cover a lot of ground or hunker down to explore one destination, Ontario—like most of Canada—is both road-trip and relaxation ready. We’ve broken it down below to highlight a few places that are uniquely Ontario.

The Great Lakes

The Great Lakes make up the largest body of fresh water on the planet and Ontario sits nestled amongst four of the five lakes: Superior, Huron, Erie and Ontario. Not only are the lakes important for the world’s ecosystem, their waters—and their shorelines—provide endless adventures for water-babies and view-seekers alike.


Canada’s capital city of Ottawa is a destination steeped in history, culture and celebration. Parliament Hill sits perched above the Ottawa River like a gothic castle and no Harry Potter fan could deny it’s striking resemblance to Hogwarts. The city is home to numerous festivals, world-class museums and the iconic Rideau Canal. And all of it sits just on the edge of the untouched natural world that’s ready to explore.


Annual festivals bring the celebratory spirit of Ontario to life. No matter the season, there is always a reason to throw a party. From the world renowned Toronto International Film Festival to Ottawa’s Winterlude that embraces the best of what the winter season has to offer and Pumpkinferno that lights up the nights of October with 7000 carved pumpkins, you can always find a celebration to to join.

Cabin Life

With the abundance of natural water, it’s fitting Ontario is known for it’s cabin life. People from all over the world come to enjoy the cottages that dot the shorelines of Ontario’s lakes. Cannonball off docks, kayak across clear water, dig in the sand and then watch the sun set around a crackling campfire. Cabin life is where adventure and relaxation intertwine effortlessly.

Niagara Falls

Niagara Falls is a bucket-list destination for many. From the legendary Maid of the Mist boat tour to observations towers, helicopter tours, cave viewing by way of elevators and even a nighttime illuminated option, you choose your own viewing experience at the falls. But whether you get close enough to feel the mist on your face or savour the view from afar, you will never forget the roar of 3000 tons of water plummeting over the edge.

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