Turning the Tables on “Dads and their Toys”

jami-in-garageDoes your husband have a garage full of toys and a regular golf date with friends? Has he begged you to buy that must have (dirt bike, boat, snowmobile) and gets to go out for weekends with his buddies?

Do you sometimes resent him? The family money, the time away from the kids, the undone chores?

Investing in recreation time for mothers is just as important for fathers. It’s been shown that physical activity slows biological aging, “A low amount of physical activity appeared to create a biological age gap of eight years between those women who exercised and those that did not” (American Journal of Epidemiology).

So, moms, it’s time to turn the table and level out the household playtime! But where to start? Here’s your guide:

1. Choose a Hobby

Running, paddling, softball, golf, skiing, mountain biking… choose something that you want to explore.

2. Learn About It

Look for local groups, you’ll be surprised that most are beginner friendly and very welcoming! Research costs to enter, required equipment, schedules, and important dates.

3. Schedule

“Failure to plan, and plan to fail” I block off my recreation 3 months in advance (a whole season at a time). I also schedule twice as much time as I actually need, allowing for changes in the schedule like sick kids, work demands, or bad weather.

4. Go Shopping!

Get yourself the gear you need for your new adventure! Guilt-free, don’t see it as an expense, you’re investing in YOU and your health and well being!

5. Go!

This is honestly the hardest part. Showing up to a new group, making new friends, being worried about your skill set… as Moms it’s not easy! I remember one of my most nervous moments was when I first signed up for the Mudd Bunnies and I can honestly say it’s the nicest most welcoming group of women I’ve ever met.

6. Inspire

Once you’re in the groove you’ll find a passion for sharing your adventures with your friends and family. Your children will be learning the value of having their mom involved in other ‘no children’ related activities. They will also reap the benefits of having a happier healthier mom!

So who’s up for the challenge? I’m looking for 6 women who are willing to try tackling the norm and carving out time in their family schedule for #1… them! Send me an email as I’d love to hear about your experience and perhaps feature you in a follow-up blog!  

We hope these articles about overcoming challenges, girls trips, stepping outside your comfort zone and making time for yourself help inspire you to do the same!

Tough Mudder Challenge

Girls Rafting Trip

Ladies Only Bike Camp

Stepping Back into Fitness

I’m a Family Travel Writer based out of beautiful Vancouver, BC. Our family adventures take us all over BC, Alberta and the Pacific Northwest. You'll regularly see us hiking, biking, snowboarding, wakeboarding, and camping our way around the province. Our passion is recreation and our mission is to explore and protect this beautiful earth of ours.

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