Why a SOULbbatical is What You Need This Summer

“You look so peaceful,” she said… after I showed her this photo of me in the forest. She followed up with “I haven’t seen you that happy in a long time.” dropping a quiet reality bomb on me.

There’s nothing like the world coming to a stop to force us to evaluate everything. From how much we work, to our heath, to who we spend time. So, Corona delivered us a forced sabbatical from life and our next challenge is… what do we do with this time?

So of course,… I start googling it! I started with “How to take a sabbatical” (Yes, I NEED to learn how to take time off) Definition: sabbatical: “a paid leave, usually from one month to a year, often to study or travel.” I dug into executive stories about how they had taken off time and come back re-energized and inspired to transform their business. I dug into where they went, and what they did. I started to embrace the concept that this forced sabbatical was not a bad thing… and then another concept was presented to me…

A “SOULbbatical

“Time off to rebel and redefine who you are and what you believe, and the impact you want to have.” Shelly Paxton

After working 60+ hours a week for longer than I can recall, I recognize it is time to slow down, in every single way. And while the forced break is hard to swallow, I am trying to embrace it with open arms for what it is: A learning experience. “The only person you are destined to become is the person you decide to be.” ―Ralph Waldo Emerson

I hope to spend the summer asking myself the hard questions…

  1.     How can I reimagine my future?
  2.     How do I want to spend my time?
  3.     Who do I miss spending time with?
  4.     What will my legacy be in ten years from now? 20? 50?
  5.     What does the future of Adventure Awaits look like?
  6.     How can I be of more service to my community?
  7.     What do I need more and less of in my life?
  8.     What am I doing when I am at my happiest?
  9.     If my children oversaw my life, what direction would they choose?
  10. Why do I work so hard?
  11. Do I glamourize being busy?
  12. If I could design the perfect life, what would it be?
  13. How do I save the environment?
  14. What if???

I am looking forward to sharing the insight and transformations with you along the way. Keep an eye open for the forest yoga photo series images that will pop up, with insights and learnings to be shared.

Are you ready to embrace this downtime and take your own SOULbbatical? 

The next Adventure Awaits. #LeadByAdventure

Feeling inspired to have your own Soulbbatical? Check out the blogs below for some ideas!

Is this a sponsored post?: No, I simply wanted to share the story of my Soulbbatical with my followers!

I’m a Family Travel Writer based out of beautiful Vancouver, BC. Our family adventures take us all over BC, Alberta and the Pacific Northwest. You'll regularly see us hiking, biking, snowboarding, wakeboarding, and camping our way around the province. Our passion is recreation and our mission is to explore and protect this beautiful earth of ours.

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