Rugged Rafting Princesses – Squamish River Rafting

It seems that these days, it is often difficult to see ideas in adventures come to fruition. “One thing I’ve learned about Jami and her passion for adventure is that you need to be careful because if you say ‘Yes’ to something she suggests, there is a 99% likelihood that the adventure is going to happen,” said Sarah. “So when Jami proposed a day of team building and the idea of going river rafting in Squamish, I said yes and gave myself permission to figure out the details on how to make it happen later!”

Isn’t that the truth we face on a regular basis? We are often time and logistically challenged when it comes to planning our own adventures. Everyone else’s calendar takes priority and if there’s time, money, and energy left over for your own adventures, then perhaps you’ll get to go, however, those experiences tend to be far too far in between. Today was our day and Squamish river rafting was our adventure!

Woman out front of the Squamish river rafting company

We were invited by the Canadian Outback Rafting Company, located in Squamish, to experience their Wet & Wild Elaho Exhilarator rafting trip. This trip prides itself on being their most exciting rafting trip, perfect for the thrill seeking adventure junkie. This trip takes you down both the Elaho and Squamish rivers, hitting class 3-4 rapids the whole way. Navigating down the rivers for 16 kilometres, this trip gives you the adventure you seek, all while enjoying the awe-inspiring wilderness that beautiful British Columbia offers.

The day had come and we had sorted work, childcare, lunches, school pick up, ballet practice, and got ourselves ready for our 6 am leave time. Having been rafting before, Jami and Erin were jumping and excited. Sarah on the other hand was feeling a bit more nervous than excited, since it would be her first time experiencing the thrill of river rafting.

Women getting ready for Squamish river rafting

“The apprehension and slight bit of terror I felt in the pit of my stomach was one that could almost be paralleled to the first time I couldn’t console my crying infant in the early days of motherhood,” said Sarah.  We had chosen a reputable adventure company with extremely well trained and experienced guides. We had chosen an adventurous activity, not a dangerous one, and it was time to embrace this experience wholeheartedly, however, we all quickly realized that:

  • It isn’t easy being vulnerable. It’s actually a challenging place to function in. It’s uncomfortable, awkward, but a space that needs to be embraced rather than resisted.
  • It’s hard to let go of control. Putting our life and our safety in another person’s control isn’t easy.
  • Trust in your friends – We had to put trust in each other and trust that we would not lead one another into an unsafe setting or situation.
  • Be free  – Once we accepted the fact, being open to vulnerability in a safe and exhilarating environment was very freeing.

Learning the Ropes

Squamish river rafting orientation

Looking around at the other self proclaimed adventurers during our orientation Sarah quickly realized that the 4 Kiwi and 2 Canadian rafting guides we were barely phased by the group’s inexperience. “Exhale. I’m not the only one,” said Sarah.  According to our fearless leaders the category four rapids we were about to enter as a team were nothing too out of the ordinary.

Time to Get Wet

Squamish river rafting group out on the water

It was time to carry our boat to the river’s edge and board our ship for the voyage down the river. “Who’s Brave!” our River Guide asked. “Not me” and Sarah quickly said and took her seat at the back of the raft. We settled into our positions and after a few practice rounds of following commands we were on our way down the river.

So This is Class Four

Squamish river rafting group in white water rapids

The river was high, flowing approximately 1.5 times faster than its normal speed. This meant that we were cruising at a good pace and headed for the “big stuff” quickly. Sarah was getting the hang of being on the boat, but still was a bit apprehensive about what was around the corner.

While the water came quickly and rapidly. (Sorry, we couldn’t help the pun). Within a few minutes we were bobbing like apples in a sea of 4 – 5 foot high waves, aiming to climb up and over them but at times finding ourselves in the bottom of the swell looking up at a wall of water. There was lots of “hold-ons” and “forwards HARD” all of which kept our hearts pounding and our adrenaline running. “It was bigger waves than I had ever experienced before.” said Jami.

Getting Outside Our Comfort Zones

Squamish river rafting group on the water

“I had every reason that week to opt out of this trip. My kids ‘needed’ me. I didn’t have childcare and my list of things to do was longer than I had paper for. But in that moment, of the wave crashing over my head, and holding on while I rode out the wave reminded me that this right here, is what it means to be alive. To feel my heart thumping, and the adrenaline flowing through my veins. To be wet and have the rain pouring down, but be surrounded by one of the most beautiful places in the world. To have friends around me who want to encourage and support me on all my crazy adventures. And to get away to invest in myself as a person… not a Mom or a teacher, or any other role that I wear. Just me. Makes adventures like this so worthwhile, and even more important.” said Jami.

Parallels to Life

Jami Savage and friends doing yoga during rafting break

Is there parallels with river rafting and life? Motherhood? Nervousness? Overcoming Challenges? Apprehension? Absolutely! There’s nothing more challenging than saying:

  • I’m going to go outside my comfort zone.
  • I will survive.
  • My friends and family will survive too.
  • There’s a reason for this adventure.
  • This is an investment in me, in each of us.

So whether it’s tackling a new adventure like river rafting, having a difficult conversation with someone you love, or leaving a job just isn’t working know that it’s okay to move into that uncomfortable space.

“Life begins at the edge of your comfort zone!” – Neale Donald Walsch

Do You Want Your Own Epic Adventure?

Jami Savage and friends jumping for a photo

All three of us had an amazing time on this Squamish river rafting adventure. “The guides were incredible and made the experience a memorable one,” said Erin. It was a fantastic team building opportunity for the three of us. Sarah especially liked that she got to have an amazing outdoor, rugged adventure without having to do all the prep work. Everything was taken care of, no grunt work, no preparation. We were well taken care of and just got to show up and have fun!

So grab your friends and contact Canadian Outback to book your own river rafting adventure experience!

If you go, remember to bring:

  • A Bathing Suit & Towel
  • Snacks
  • GoPro or Camera (in a waterproof case)

Canadian Outback takes care of the rest!

Is this a sponsored post?: Our Squamish river rafting trip was generously sponsored by Canadian Outback, however all our views and opinions are our own and we are so excited to share them with you!

Looking for some other amazing adventures that are perfect for team building and to get you out of your comfort zones, check out our Girls Gone Glamping – Tin Poppy Retreat and Whistler Woman’s Bike Camp blogs.

Behind the Scenes Footage

I’m a Family Travel Writer based out of beautiful Vancouver, BC. Our family adventures take us all over BC, Alberta and the Pacific Northwest. You'll regularly see us hiking, biking, snowboarding, wakeboarding, and camping our way around the province. Our passion is recreation and our mission is to explore and protect this beautiful earth of ours.

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