Costa Rica Adventure Day 2 – Life at Chakra and Hike to San Miguel

Waking up at Chakra, the Run Like a Girl Adventure Retreat, was one of the moments of the trip that I’ll never forget.

The birds started off, quietly chirping in the trees, and as the day became brighter and brighter, so did their voices. It was the most wonderful way to be slowly woken up, and with that came a realization, that I was actually at Chakra and living my dream.

I spend the morning touring around camp and taking photos to share with my family (and obviously, all of you!) This rustic camp has no electricity, only propane for hot water and food preparation. But with comfortable mattresses, flush toilets, and world class views, Chakra really is a place and an experience like no other!

Home Sweet Home

sleeping bungalow at Run Like a Girl Adventure and Wellness Retreat in Costa Rica

This little bungalow was the perfect place for mom and I to have a week-long sleepover. Not only did it boast an open air view over the jungle and property below, but it had comfortable mattresses and shelving and hooks to hang all of our gear. While the bug net was provided it wasn’t really required, we were so high up that there wasn’t a ton of bugs. However, we did choose to sleep with the nets, as it ensured no bugs were bothering us or buzzing in our ears at night!

Sunrise Yoga

woman doing yoga in the morning at the Run Like a Girl Adventure and Wellness Retreat in Costa Rica

Every morning at 5:45 am we would get the call to join our yoga mats on the main platform. At 6:00 am Maria would guide us through a one hour, Sunrise Yoga class. The class would slowly warm our bodies up and test us both physically and mentally – a great way to start the day.

yoga during the sunrise at the Run Like a Girl Adventure and Wellness Retreat in Costa Rica

My favorite part about the yoga class was that halfway through the practice the sun would peek up over the mountain and the air would instantly warm up. It was a morning yoga class truly like no other!

Morning Breakfast

dining table all ready for breakfast at the Run Like a Girl Adventure and Wellness Retreat in Costa Rica

The hardest part about yoga class was smelling the amazing food that was being prepared in the kitchen. Every morning we would come around this huge table and enjoy a healthy, traditional Costa Rican meal. My plate regularly had pinto (rice and beans), scrambled eggs, fresh fruit, and sometimes a protein pancake drizzled with honey.

Our table conversations were everything from daily careers, to family dynamics, to what we were going to do for the day. Half of our group was off for their adventure day and the other half was off to hike San Miguel. I was excited to be headed up into the mountains!

Hike to San Miguel

view from the hike to san miguel at the Run Like a Girl Adventure and Wellness Retreat in Costa Rica

The hike to San Miguel was 11 kilometers with 700 meters of elevation gain… (Basically just at the crest of where the sun is peeking up over the mountain.) It was a steep hike from camp, but at the top, it leveled out once we neared the waterfall.

woman hiking in san miguel, costa rica

Hiking through the jungle in Costa Rica brought huge smiles to my face. The jungle was thick and the terrain was challenging, so I felt very much at home. I also was very proud of myself for actually being in Costa Rica and tackling my bucket list!

beautiful red flower in costa rica

Free Afternoon at Camp

vegetarian fajita buffet lunch at the Run Like a Girl Adventure Retreat in Costa Rica

When we got back from our hike we were spoiled with another amazing meal, and one of my new favorites, fajitas.

relaxing in a hammock at the adventure and wellness retreat

Eduardo and the Chakra team had hung up hammocks for us to relax in for the afternoon. Some people enjoyed reading a book and others toured around camp. However, I decided to hang out in the hammock and test out my Costa Rican napping skills. I’m happy to report I can nap just as well in Costa Rica as I can at home! (I love naps!)

Hot Showers

outside shower at the Run Like a Girl Adventure and Wellness Retreat in Costa Rica

While Chakra lacks the amenities of a five-star hotel, it brings campers a whole different experience. One that is filled with a true connection to nature, an opportunity to disconnect and recharge your own batteries instead of the one on your phone.

One of the modern luxuries that we did all enjoy indulging in was the hot shower… a bamboo finished, rain shower that helped to wash off the mud and warmed you up before you headed into bed for the night.

Camp Sleepover

sleeping hut in the costa rican jungle

This was our humble little abode for the evenings, a great place for a mother daughter sleepover under the stars. The best part was listening to the jungle quietly tuck itself in at night, as we all fell asleep in preparation for what would be another amazing day!

Check out my Day One adventures at Chakra!

Did you read about my Costa Rica Countdown and my longing to go on this adventure and what I felt was holding me back?

I’m a Family Travel Writer based out of beautiful Vancouver, BC. Our family adventures take us all over BC, Alberta and the Pacific Northwest. You'll regularly see us hiking, biking, snowboarding, wakeboarding, and camping our way around the province. Our passion is recreation and our mission is to explore and protect this beautiful earth of ours.

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