Redwood Park

It was a lazy Sunday morning and the clouds had opened up with liquid sunshine. The last thing I wanted to do was replace my warm blanket with rain boots and head off for an adventure… a morning of cartoons would have been fine with me.

However our commitment to family adventure days meant it was my turn to “walk the talk” and I had to lead by example and get ready to head out. Fortunately with a 3 and 6 year old by my side, their greed for adventure exceeded mine that day and before I knew it we were out the door.

Kids were excited to have a place where they could get their umbrellas out and play with them!
Kids were excited to have a place where they could get their umbrellas out and play with them!

We were off to Redwood Park, a destination park that had been on my radar for about a year. Redwood is a different park as it has a ton of special features along with a very special Fairy Forest, but I’ll get to that part later.

The park has more amenities then I can list! From outdoor picnic shelters to big fields and wide paths, this park is family friendly!
The park has more amenities then I can list! From outdoor picnic shelters to big fields and wide paths, this park is family friendly!

Redwood Park is in Surrey (at 17900 – 20th Street to be exact.) The property was left to the city by two brothers, David and Peter. They had spent their life planting a wide variety of trees and today the park boasts over 50 different species of trees. I love how the park celebrates this and shares it with everyone by marking the trees species and names with special markers:

The park boasts a wide variety of trees that aren't native to the area, so they are nicely identified with special plaques. Educational bonus for the day!
The park boasts a wide variety of trees that aren’t native to the area, so they are nicely identified with special plaques. Educational bonus for the day!

The park is a great place to go and get lost for a couple hours as it has SO many things to do. Other than the endless trails to wonder through and the huge forest to check out there are accessible playgrounds, fields and picnic areas, a huge tree house and a fairy garden!

If you’re heading to the park to check out the treehouse (That David and Peter once lived in) it’s just down the main trail from the parking lot… you can’t miss it! Unfortunately it was locked when we were there and I’m not too sure if it’s always like that or if it’s ever opened for visitors.

The kids were excited to find a real treehouse on their adventures!
The kids were excited to find a real treehouse on their adventures!

After checking out the treehouse we took the trail to the right to check out our next surprise. My kids were thrilled to walk a few hundred feet and then find themselves in the middle of a fairy forest.   It’s my understanding that a couple years ago some people started hiding fairy doors and houses in this part of the park. It’s clear that this trend has picked up and the park is now overloaded with homemade fairy houses. It was neat to spend the morning under the forest canopy checking out all the different houses. Here was some of our favourites:

Walking through the Fairy Forest on a rainy day was an awesome way to celebrate Sunday Funday!
Walking through the Fairy Forest on a rainy day was an awesome way to celebrate Sunday Funday!
Another favorite fairy house.
Another favorite fairy house.
This looks like it may have been one of the original Fairy Doors that started it all!
This looks like it may have been one of the original Fairy Doors that started it all!
We were excited to stumble upon a Forest full of fairy houses in Redwood Park! This natural one was one of our favorites.
We were excited to stumble upon a Forest full of fairy houses in Redwood Park! This natural one was one of our favorites.

Unfortunately we came across a dead mouse on our trail but it opened up an interesting conversation about the circle of life. It was really touching to see how moved my son was about the death of this animal and how he felt he should be treated now that he was dead. He wanted to find a safe place to put him that he wouldn’t get stepped on. My daughter quickly told us to leave him so that the birds could eat him, which equally intrigued and horrified my son!

Finding a dead mouse led to a couple interesting conversations with my kids.
Finding a dead mouse led to a couple interesting conversations with my kids.

After touring through the forest we surfaced to find an amazing playground. There was a variety of different areas to play in and we could have spent hours there. Our favorite part of the playground though was when the birds all came over to a tree that we were standing under. They literally showered us with pinecones as they picked at them and then fell to the ground.

This park is accessible for everyone and boasts a wide variety of things to do!
This park is accessible for everyone and boasts a wide variety of things to do!

I don’t remember the last time I stood under a tree and listed to hundreds of birds. I’m pretty sure I wouldn’t have heard them from my morning nest on my couch.


– Long conversations about the importance of the trees and the forests after reading this sign:

“Prayer of the Woods” “I am the head of your hearth on the cold winter nights. The friendly shade screening you from the summer sun. And my fruits are refreshing draughts quenching your thirst as you journey on. I am the bean that holds your house. The board of your table. The bed on which you lie. And the timber that builds your boat. I am the handle of your hoe, the door of your homestead, the wood of your cradle and the shell of your coffin. I am the break of kindness and the flower of beauty. Ye who pasby, listen to my prayer. Harm me not.”
“Prayer of the Woods”
“I am the head of your hearth on the cold winter nights. The friendly shade screening you from the summer sun. And my fruits are refreshing draughts quenching your thirst as you journey on. I am the bean that holds your house. The board of your table. The bed on which you lie. And the timber that builds your boat. I am the handle of your hoe, the door of your homestead, the wood of your cradle and the shell of your coffin. I am the break of kindness and the flower of beauty. Ye who pasby, listen to my prayer. Harm me not.”

– Umbrellas – I forgot how much fun they are… kids loved being able to run around and play with them.

– Park Playground and additional amenities were a pleasant surprise.

What to bring:

– FULL backpack…. Spend the day!

– Strollers are welcome, this is an easy path to cruise along.

I’m a Family Travel Writer based out of beautiful Vancouver, BC. Our family adventures take us all over BC, Alberta and the Pacific Northwest. You'll regularly see us hiking, biking, snowboarding, wakeboarding, and camping our way around the province. Our passion is recreation and our mission is to explore and protect this beautiful earth of ours.

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