Lynn Valley Suspension Bridge

It was a beautiful day and it was time to go off on an adventure. We were on the road and hadn’t yet settled on our final destination so I decided to ask a guy at a bike shop where we should go. I’m glad I listened to his advice! We were off to Lynn Valley Suspension Bridge!

When we arrived the kids were kicking up a fuss and being cranky.  I don’t remember what it was about I was not interested in their complaining. Time for some nature therapy?  Absolutely!

Girl walking on Lynn Valley Suspension Bridge trail We weren’t 2 minutes into our hike and were turned around and lost. You see there’s a lot of trails off the main parking lot so we headed to the right when we really should have gone to the left (note to self, pay attention to where all the people are coming from) So after a four-minute detour, we were back on the right path.

The decent down to the suspension bridge is an easy walk past picnic tables, a beautiful coffee shop and ecology center. A trail marker stating that we were about to enter the Baden Powell Trail meant we were close. It seemed only appropriate that we were hiking the Baden Powell trail on Thinking Day weekend… my Guiding friends will understand!

Beautiful coffee shop and restrooms at the Lynn Valley Suspension Bridge park
Beautiful coffee shop and restrooms

We came across the suspension bridge and it was a nice and quiet day which meant we got to enjoy the sights and sounds of the waterfall and river below us. I couldn’t believe the turquoise colour of the water and how crystal clear it was. We Vancouverites are very blessed to call this place “home.”

Hiking across Lynn Valley Suspension Bridge
Hiking across Lynn Valley Suspension Bridge

We spent a TON of time on the trails, going back and forth between the bridges and spending time on the riverbank. We figured that we did about 6 kilometers with the kids that day, which we were pretty happy about considering neither said they were tired or asked to be picked up. (Yes, even my three year old)

Exploring and pretending in the great outdoors
Exploring and pretending in the great outdoors
roots sticking out of the ground
Gross Motor development… another benefit of hiking for young children!

I’ve decided to include a lot of pictures in this post to show off this trail. It offers a TON of variety, which keeps the kids engaged in the process. From stairs to boardwalks, wide paths to run and narrow roots to navigate, this trail offers it all. This is perfect for young families as you can take on a shorter route and the kids can play, or you can keep extending your walk as long as you want. We met a kind man on the trail who told us that the path goes all the way to the ocean! (About a 5 km walk)

Exploring the beautiful river.
Exploring the beautiful river.
A Tree on a tree in Lynn Valley Park
A Tree on a tree in Lynn Valley Park

I also shot a lot of video that day so I thought I’d include that in this post as well. Some things are easier to show with a video. However, don’t take my screen time as a replacement for being there… I highly recommend checking out this trail!

Hike Pros:

– Hiking is a great way to be active, improve physical heath, explore the outdoors and share leadership roles. My kids enjoyed taking turns and choosing which trail we were going to go down. It was an opportunity for them to make decisions, evaluate the situation and lead our family.

– The trail has lots of options to accommodate everyone. It also has a lot of variety which keeps kids going.

Hike Cons:

– I can’t think of one so I’m not going to make one up!

Unexpected Highlights:

– The Ecology Center was AWESOME. I couldn’t believe the quality of the displays there. Lots of interactive displays for kids and even toys to play with and a store! We bought some special native patches to add to our Guide blankets.

– The water was crystal clear and a turquoise colour as if it was stolen from the Caribbean.

– No matter how many times I say it, nature therapy really can cure a bad mood!

I’m a Family Travel Writer based out of beautiful Vancouver, BC. Our family adventures take us all over BC, Alberta and the Pacific Northwest. You'll regularly see us hiking, biking, snowboarding, wakeboarding, and camping our way around the province. Our passion is recreation and our mission is to explore and protect this beautiful earth of ours.

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