Jazamango in Todos Santos

Our guide, a local farm hand on the on-site farm at Jazamango Todos Santos, didn’t speak English. Luckily, we had a translator. We wound our way along rows of herbs and vegetables, while our guide talked nearly non-stop. After a couple of minutes of Spanish, our translator would translate, usually in a single sentence. Though I couldn’t help feeling I was missing something, one thing was abundantly clear – our guide was passionate about the farm. He held up a leaf and said something I finally understood: “Jazamango”.


Man talking about the vegetables grown at the restaurant

Jazamongo is a farm to table restaurant located about an hour north of Cabo San Lucas and is the perfect lunch or dinner stop while on a day trip to Todos Santos, just five minutes away. Created by renowned Baja Chef Javier Plascencia, Jazamango offers deceptively simple, uniquely Mexican cuisine inspired by a love for Baja and it’s Mediterranean climate.

The Locale

Inside the jazamango restaurant

Jazamango is comprised of the open-air restaurant itself, a small café and washroom, the signature water tower, and the adjacent farm, which is run in cooperation with the University of Colorado’s agriculture program and regularly hosts students on-site. The architecture and the vibe are upscale rural Mexican, with plenty of natural wood and brick (including the grill!). Sitting in the shade, with the light breeze wafting the smells from the grill, is about as perfect a way to enjoy a Baja lunch as I can think of.

The Food

Four drinks on a table at jazamango

I am not a food critic, and I will leave any serious food critiques to those who know what they are talking about. But, like you, I know what I like and what I don’t like. Jazamango’s food is simply amazing, and amazingly simple. I have never met a cauliflower I didn’t like, but the grilled cauliflower with pickled beet strings was on another level. The presentation was stunning and kept theme with the overall modern rustic atmosphere. Without a doubt, Jazamango was the culinary highlight of my trip.

Jazamango Todos Santos

Man holding a leaf of a arugula

“Jazamango,” emphasized our guide, pointing to the arugula leaf in his hand. It took one of my travel companions, Marc Smith, a bit of research, but he soon found out that Jazamango means arugula – not in Spanish as we first thought, but in a local Baja indigenous tribe’s language. Did I mention the arugula salad? It, like all the food at Jazamango, is simple, elevated, and a testament to its name.

Does Jazamango in Todos Santos have you hungry for more? Check out our other adventures below!

Is this a sponsored post?: Yes, but all opinions of Jazamango in Todos Santos are our own!

I’m a Family Travel Writer based out of beautiful Vancouver, BC. Our family adventures take us all over BC, Alberta and the Pacific Northwest. You'll regularly see us hiking, biking, snowboarding, wakeboarding, and camping our way around the province. Our passion is recreation and our mission is to explore and protect this beautiful earth of ours.

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