I don’t remember the last time…


September is a time of transition, a time of firsts, and often a time when we sit back and hear our parents in our ears as we ask ourselves, “Where did the time go?” And as we all gear up with new haircuts and hug our babies as they go off in the world, I sit back and reflect and remember all the things I’ve somehow come to quickly forget.

Why? Because I just don’t remember…

  • I don’t remember the last time my daughter let me do pigtails in her hair, or my son needed me to sing him Puff The Magic Dragon while he fell asleep.
  • I don’t remember the last time I was able to carry both of them up the stairs on our way to bed.
  • And babies… sure they were once little beings that cuddled up in my arms for hours, but now I struggle with limbs and weight that is harder to corral in my arms.

What if today is the last day for something else? What if I am living tomorrow’s memory right this second?

This is a fear I embrace everyday. That time will go so fast that I won’t recall the little moments that make every day so special. So just in case today is another “last” ,here’s a list of the seven things I soak in every day:

I carry my children. Every time my kids asked to be picked up, I say yes. At 60 and 70 pounds, this gets more challenging everyday… But every chance I get to carry one on my hip or hop them up for a piggy back I say “yes”. “Yes please” actually.

I give the biggest after school hugs. When my daughter was 5 she asked,”why do you give me such big hugs after school” I explained to her that seeing her run into my arms after school was one of the best parts of my day. I said someday she wouldn’t do that and today may be the last chance… And so today she gets big hugs. She enjoys this time too and often comes running out, knowing what this greeting means to me. It’ll end soon, social pressures, –  or as she notices that other parents look over at us will eventually mean this too, will be another last. But not today… I hope.

We skip. I’m as uncoordinated as they come and probably good entertainment, but when we can, we hold hands and skip our way through the park or down the street.

I roll down hills. “Mom, will you roll down the hill with me?” Inside I want to say no. I want to sit and enjoy my visit with my friend… But rolling down the hill with my kids is always a better idea. The conversation will always be there… And so will the hill, but the blonde-haired kids to roll with…

I say yes… As often as I can. Whether it’s allowing them to help me wash the dishes (even though it’ll take an extra half an hour) or letting them choose my outfit, I try to say yes as often as possible. Their ability to make decisions is important and often entertaining, and we learn a lot from taking the time to hear their input.

I let my kids sleep in my bed. After our first road trip my kids found themselves enjoying the cuddles of Mom and Dad, and a year later somehow still seem to be sleeping amongst our pillows. While it’s not an everyday occurrence I certainly find myself missing those little bodies in the middle of the night when they choose to wander off to their own rooms!

I encourage pillow fights – The beds in our house aren’t made, meaning they are always ready to be jumped on, or used as target practice during a good pillow fight. Someday my house will be clean and tidy, but not today. And that’s perfectly okay with me.

My children bring me two gifts on a daily basis – the need to live in the moment, and the desire to live every day to the fullest, as time is ever fleeting.

Wishing you a wonderful month full of big hugs, and little memories.

Love, the Savage Family

I’m a Family Travel Writer based out of beautiful Vancouver, BC. Our family adventures take us all over BC, Alberta and the Pacific Northwest. You'll regularly see us hiking, biking, snowboarding, wakeboarding, and camping our way around the province. Our passion is recreation and our mission is to explore and protect this beautiful earth of ours.

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