How to Have More Time for Adventure with Grocery Delivery

I always get asked, “How do you have so much time to go on adventures?” Well, the reality is that we are all given the same 24 hours every day, so I don’t have any more time then the next person. I do however MAKE time for adventures, and one of my special tricks is to have my groceries delivered!
I started using the Save on Foods Grocery delivery system a few months ago and I swear I won’t go back. Now before I go on please note, this isn’t a sponsored post, I don’t have an uncle that works for Save on nor are they paying me for this content. I’m just passionate about how convenient this system is and regularly get asked about it on the playground after school. So I decided to put all my resources together to help everyone out and share my thoughts on this program!

How it works:

 1. Get Organized

Savage Monthly Menu Planner

I like to be really organized so in order to maximize my time (long term) I set up an excel spreadsheet. This spreadsheet is a three week menu planner.. I took time to be sure to differentiate between the main proteins (chicken, beef, pork) and tried (although I could do better) to incorporate some vegetarian meals into my menu.

Next, after the menu is planned you list out all of the grocery items you need for that menu. I don’t include staples like spices and baking supplies, this is just the main consumables you’ll need for that meal. When you’re done you should have three weeks worth of menus planned, each with it’s own shopping list.

After each menu is written out with its groceries I add a list of other “regular” groceries I”ll need for the week. That’s typically consumable things like milk, fruit, juice, bread that we need on a weekly basis.

2. Set up your account

Account Set Up

I won’t go through the step by step instructions as the process is really easy, but go to and set up your account.

3. Create your first list

How to create a list

This is where you put all of the grocery items that you’ll need for your “Week One Menu ” Don’t include the regular weekly groceries, JUST the items you need for menu plan number one. Add the exact items you need to your cart (the fastest way is to use their handy search function). Once you’re done, save that list and repeat the process by adding a Week 2 and Week 3 list.

4. Create a standard list

Save on Foods Grocery Delivery List

Create a list that you will order every week. The staples! Save as “Standard List.”

5. Get ready to place your first order!

Click “Week One” and “check all” and you’ll instantly add all of your week one grocery items to your shopping cart. Then, click “Standard list” and all all of those items. Note, this will take about 45 seconds and is super easy.

6. Check for sales

SAve on Foods Sales

Check the flyers to see if there are any items on sale that you want to add to your cart.

7. Last minute items

Did you need deodorant? Vitamins? Add any last minute items to your cart.

8. Choose your delivery

Delivery Options

You can choose your delivery time. My trick? I always have groceries delivered on Sunday nights between 8 – 10 pm. I order ALL Of my groceries 3 weeks in advance and then every sunday night my fridge is restocked. After 8 is also the cheapest time for delivery at a mere $4.95. (It saves me an hour of time and is cheaper then gas)

9. Checkout

Now is the fun part – you get to check out. It’s way quicker then standing at the till or checking your own items. It happens within seconds!

10. Go on an Adventure!

Savage family on the beach

Once you’ve got this all set up it takes between 2 -3 minutes to place your weekly order. This has saved me about 4 hours per month on grocery shopping which means I have more time for biking, swimming, running, or playing with my kids. It also saves us money as we aren’t shopping for random items, we stick to a schedule and a menu, and overall eat healthier too!

Looking for ways to spend your new found time? Why not check out our top 5 favorite family hikes, or plan your own Glamping Trip.

Adventure Awaits!

I’m a Family Travel Writer based out of beautiful Vancouver, BC. Our family adventures take us all over BC, Alberta and the Pacific Northwest. You'll regularly see us hiking, biking, snowboarding, wakeboarding, and camping our way around the province. Our passion is recreation and our mission is to explore and protect this beautiful earth of ours.

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