Adventure & Allergy Friendly Snacks are Here!

The snacks had barely come out of the package and my kids were swarming… after school snack time is an animalistic event at our house. This snack time would be a bit different as I didn’t really know what to expect as I laid out an array of FreeYumm products for the kids to try.

“Oh, thank you so much Mom! All the kids at school have these and I’ve wanted to try them so bad!” Okay, we haven’t even gotten into the goodies and the kids were already in love. After meticulously choosing which one to try first, they dove in and I waited with baited breath to see what they thought!

After all, this is an all natural, allergy free product…. Were they going to like it? Many products on the market are known for being healthy, but not delicious… would this product be kid approved?

One bite in and they were sold! “Mom, these are SO good!” and as a Mom trying to get your kids healthy food…  it’s music to my ears!

Here’s what the kids thought of the FreeYumm products:

There Are so Many to Choose From

FreeYumm (25 of 8)With six different fun packages with delicious looking labels the kids had a hard time choosing which one to dig into. With names like: Banana Maple Cookies, Chocolate Chip Cookies, and Honey Apple Oat Bar, why did they have to choose just one. (We let them choose more!)

They Taste as Good as They Look

freeyumm-products-laid-outThe kids favorites were the double chocolate chip cookies and the chocolate chip oat bars, with the other ones coming in an easy second.

They Are a Perfect, Portable, Pocket Snack

freeyumm-bar-in-kids-backpackFrom being up on the ski hill, to going for a hike, these snacks are the perfect addition to your kid friendly pantry. They could easily be thrown in a lunch bag, or gobbled up before dance class… making the dreaded “I’m hungry” whine quickly go away.

They Are Filled with All Sorts of Greatness!

FreeYumm (32 of 8)With ingredients like flax seed, chia, agave syrup, sesame seeds, and dried fruits you can feel good about giving your kids these products. When you dig a bit deeper into the product you’ll learn that there are literally no unhealthy fillers, they simply aren’t needed! You also won’t find any highly processed sweeteners, they rely on natural sweeteners like honey, agave syrup, and fruits.

They Are Allergy Free!

close-up-of-freeyumm-barsHow exciting is it to have a product that you can share with your allergy free friends. Or for those allergy families to have more delicious products for their children to choose from. 5 stars all the way from this Allergy Mom!

What We Would Change

hiking snacksI shared this product with a couple mom friends to get their honest opinion and we all gave it two thumbs up all the way. The only thing we would love to see more of is protein… it would be a great way to up the kids intake in one snack. (Albeit we recognize this is challenging when nuts can’t be included in the product!)

Thank you Free Yum for sending us this product to try! Looking to pack a lunch and head out on an adventure? May we suggest:

The Top 7 Family Friendly Hikes in the Fraser Valley

Top Ten Things to Pack On A Family Hike

How to Have a Successful Family Hiking Trip

Is this a sponsored post? Yes! When FreeYumm asked if I would try out their product and share my thoughts about it I was excited to learn more about this allergy free product. I have been compensated to promote this product on my blog but my words and my experience are 100% my own.

I’m a Family Travel Writer based out of beautiful Vancouver, BC. Our family adventures take us all over BC, Alberta and the Pacific Northwest. You'll regularly see us hiking, biking, snowboarding, wakeboarding, and camping our way around the province. Our passion is recreation and our mission is to explore and protect this beautiful earth of ours.

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  1. We have many friends with different allergies, and you’re right that some of the allergy friendly foods taste horrible, which is the last thing I want to be serving to my kids and their guests. Safe, delicious, and easy are exactly what I’m looking for!


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