Big White Snowshoeing Adventure


“Mom, is that a Fir tree or a Spruce?” my daughter was keen to show off her newly acquired tree identification skills. Fortunately I passed her test, but that didn’t stop her from moving on and asking Nana and Daddy if they too could decode the difference between these native BC trees.

It was this type of hands-on learning that made snowshoeing at Big White so much fun. The perfect combination of adventure and education, this winter Eco tour was a great break from the slopes for our family.

Perfect For All Ages

showshoers-looking-at-mapAfter meeting up at the main lodge, we headed down the gondola and into the forest… my six year old leading the way followed by our whole family. Even Nana joined us for her first snowshoeing trip! (and loved every second of it!)


child-exploring-on-snowshoe-tour“Can you see the rabbit hole?” Sue asked my son. After leaning in a bit closer, he could! Sue was our fabulous leader and her passion for the region including trail etiquette, flora identification and knowledge about the locals (the coyotes, rabbits, and muskrat) was integrated in a fun and hands on way that kept the kids engaged the whole time.

Winter Detectives

child-measuring-tree“How tall do you think this tree is?” was the question of the hour. We all guessed between 6 to 8 feet, but Sue flipped her pole upside down and pushed it down into the snow. There it disappeared another 5 feet down meaning we were standing next to at least a 12 foot tree! It was creative ways like this that kept the tour so engaging.

Fun With Friends

two-women-snowshoeingFriends that play together, stay together! There’s no better way to make memories than to have an adventure buddy (or a few) to always play with!

So Much Snow!

family-snowshoeingTraipsing through 2 feet of champagne powder with my friends and family was a pretty epic way to spend the day.

Nana’s First Snowshoe Adventure! 

two-people-snowshoeing-at-big-whiteNana was a bit nervous about her first snowshoeing trip, but Sue quickly eased her mind. “If you can walk, you can snowshoe”. This beginner trip was perfect for the whole family as there was only a slight grade and lots of easy sloping trails to walk along. Nana came back with a buzz about her newfound sport and I’m sure she’ll be adding “snowshoes” to her Christmas list next year!

Check out our behind the scenes video of what snowshoeing at Big White is actually like! We had Mike, Big White’s videographer follow us along to capture and share what the tour is!

Are you planning a trip to Big White? Check out these helpful resources:

The Essential 7 S’s of a Big White Family Vacation

Family Ski Trip – More Than Just Powder

Big White Ski Resort – Canada’s Favourite Family Resort

Is this a sponsored post?: Yes and No. We were given a complementary snowshoe tour while we were on site and are excited to share our experiences with you. Our words and our opinions are strictly our own and are a true reflection of what we thought about this experience.  

I’m a Family Travel Writer based out of beautiful Vancouver, BC. Our family adventures take us all over BC, Alberta and the Pacific Northwest. You'll regularly see us hiking, biking, snowboarding, wakeboarding, and camping our way around the province. Our passion is recreation and our mission is to explore and protect this beautiful earth of ours.

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