4 Reasons Pregnancy Doesn’t Stop your Travel Adventures

Just because you’re pregnant it doesn’t mean you can’t have the perfect holiday (or ‘babymoon’, if you prefer). There are still obvious difficulties that need to be taken into account, of course. But, with the right research and planning, there are ways to deal with them. We’ve put together four reasons why being pregnant shouldn’t stop you from enjoying your well-deserved trip away:

  1. Yes, you can still fly!

The Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (RCOG) advise that flying when pregnant shouldn’t harm you or your baby. There are, however, some restrictions and precautions to think about before you book your flight.

The safest time to fly is before 37 weeks – after this point you could go into labour at any time. Many airlines don’t allow women to fly after 37 weeks, so always check the policy of each individual airline. It’s also recommended to travel in the second semester of your pregnancy, rather than the first or third, as this is when you will be feeling at your best.

  1. Getting travel insurance isn’t as tricky as you think

Check the fine print of your insurance provider – a standard cover should be fine for you, but always read the terms and conditions just to make sure.

While pregnancy isn’t considered a ‘medical condition’ that you have to disclose, if you have any conditions that are a result of your pregnancy (such as hypertension or gestational diabetes) then you may need to let your insurance provider know.

Key things to check are:

  • Is there a cut-off given the lateness of your pregnancy? Will your insurance stop after 36 or 26 weeks, for example?
  • What medical expenses are covered while you are abroad?
  • What happens if you have to cancel your trip or you need to come home earlier than planned?
  1. Where to go?

It can be tricky to decide what to do for a holiday when you are pregnant, so we’ve given you a few ideas.

Cruises – you may need your GP to clear you as fit, but a cruise is a great way to spend time with family before your baby arrives. You can choose whether you want to relax by the pool or if you want to do the activities.

Coastal breaks – did you know that it’s proven that you sleep better when you’re by the sea? Sea air is full of negative ions, which increases our ability to absorb oxygen, this then leaves you feeling revitalised during the day. Fling open those windows and take in that sea air!

  1. Keeping Active

While you may need to reconsider abseiling or theme parks on your holiday, there are less intensive activities that you consider instead. From swimming, yoga, walking, or running – there are many good options out there. Just make sure that you don’t overstretch yourself; listen to your body, and take it easy. Although it’s always good to be physically active, it’s meant to be a relaxing break, after all!

I’m a Family Travel Writer based out of beautiful Vancouver, BC. Our family adventures take us all over BC, Alberta and the Pacific Northwest. You'll regularly see us hiking, biking, snowboarding, wakeboarding, and camping our way around the province. Our passion is recreation and our mission is to explore and protect this beautiful earth of ours.

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