25 year Guiding Pin – “Now that’s a lot of cookies”

I’m always sentimental when this type of thing happens… and this was no exception!

This week I was awarded my 25 year Guiding Pin. (And it’s SILVER!)  It seems only appropriate that I get this award on this particular year in Guiding as it’s a very special year for me. This year marks 12 years since I became a leader, to an amazing group of little girls, called Sparks. I volunteered with the group to help them out… I never know how much those little ladies would change my world and help me.

This year those little girls are GRADUATING. I know, I can’t believe it. Pictures of grad dresses are coming in and they talk about their next steps in life. It’s inspiring to see who they have grown into and what they are doing with their lives. I can’t wait to see what the next 12 years will bring for them.

For me it’s a very special year, not only as I say goodbye to that group, but as I start the process all over again as a Spark Guider with a new group of girls. My daughters group. Wow… just saying that means so much. Being able to spend time with her and share the traditions and activities means the world. And I’ll tell you a secret, this group is pretty amazing too. I’ll be interested to see what the next 12 years brings for us.

So I was given my 25 year pin, for me in celebration of being a girl, and then a leader, and now a mom.  There’s no doubt that Guiding has been a founding pillar in my upbringing, exposing me to different things, allowing me to explore and appreciate the great outdoors, challenging my thinking about myself and the world and asking me to “take action for a better world.”

In celebration of this award over the next year I’m going to highlight some of my favorite memories and share some special moments. I look forward to sharing the memories with you. The 90’s hair… well at least that’ll keep you entertained.

And so… even though the promise has changed… and so have I…

“I promise to do my best, to be true to myself, my faith and Canada. I will help others and take action for a better world.”

Yours in Guiding,


PS – If anyone was wondering? That means I’ve sold over 100 cases of cookies in my life… and yes, my parents probably bought 99 of them.

PSS – The Vanilla ones ARE better

The day it all started and I was enrolled as a brownie.
The day it all started and I was enrolled as a brownie.
Becoming a leader. "It'll only be an hour a week" #sucker #wouldn'tchangeit
Becoming a leader. “It’ll only be an hour a week” #sucker #wouldn’tchangeit

I’m a Family Travel Writer based out of beautiful Vancouver, BC. Our family adventures take us all over BC, Alberta and the Pacific Northwest. You'll regularly see us hiking, biking, snowboarding, wakeboarding, and camping our way around the province. Our passion is recreation and our mission is to explore and protect this beautiful earth of ours.

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